A proper risk management plan and specialized cybersecurity for your company are a must-have, ranging from data security to preventing revenue losses along with precautious partnerships.

Great Insurance
Solutions for your
IT Business

We specialise in serving complex companies facing significant risk management challenges.
The IT Industry, in particular, perfectly aligns with this focus.
Understanding that each client in these industries has unique exposures, we invest considerable effort in learning about their individuality and implementing effective risk control strategies. Our Insurance coverage for IT companies is carefully designed to offer economic remediation in the event of an insured peril. Trust us to protect your business with tailored solutions.

Our coverages are designed to protect your business against:


Data breach and Privacy insurance


Employee liability

General Liability

Cyber Liability

Insurance policies commonly applicable to Information Technology companies are as follows:


Cyber Liability




General Liability Insurance


Commercial Crime Insurance


Professional Liability Insurance (Errors and Omissions Insurance)


Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance


Employee Benefits Insurance


Employee Benefits Insurance

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To several leading IT companies over the last 2 decades.

Technology centric broker

An IT company deserves nothing but the best when it comes to technology.

Global Service Capability

Presence in 140 countries through Unison Steadfast.

Specialized Knowledge

In-depth understanding of the unique risks in the IT industry allows us to offer tailored insurance solutions.

Comprehensive Risk Assessment

We thoroughly evaluate IT companies' operations to identify vulnerabilities and design appropriate insurance programs.

Contractual Requirements

Assist with fulfilling insurance requirements in contracts and provide necessary certificates of insurance.

Our Other Services



Marine Insurance

Risk Management

Property Insurance

Liability & Credit Insurance


Engineering & Misc. Insurance

Why Us

Specialized Knowledge

IT companies operate in a unique industry with distinct risks. As an insurance broker specializing in the IT sector, we possess in-depth knowledge of the industry's dynamics, emerging trends, and evolving risks. This expertise enables us to provide tailored insurance solutions that address the specific risks faced by IT companies.

Comprehensive Risk Assessment

We conduct a thorough risk assessment of an IT company's operations, including data protection, cyber threats, technology errors, and omissions, and business interruption risks. This assessment helps us identify vulnerabilities and design insurance programs that provide adequate coverage for these risks.

Cyber Liability Insurance

IT companies are particularly vulnerable to cyber risks, including data breaches, hacking, and network disruptions. We help IT companies understand their cyber liability exposures and offer specialized cyber insurance coverage to protect against financial losses, data breaches, and the costs associated with cyber incidents.

Professional Liability Coverage

IT companies provide professional services, such as software development, system integration, and IT consulting. In the event of errors, omissions, or negligence, professional liability insurance (also known as errors and omissions insurance) provides coverage against claims arising from such professional services. We assist IT companies in securing the right professional liability coverage to protect their reputation and finances.

Business Interruption Coverage

IT companies heavily rely on their technological infrastructure and systems to operate. In the event of a covered loss or disruption, such as a fire, natural disaster, or equipment failure, business interruption insurance provides coverage for lost income and ongoing expenses. We help IT companies assess their business interruption risks and ensure they have appropriate coverage in place to mitigate financial losses.

General Liability and Property Coverage:

IT companies may have physical office spaces, equipment, and liability exposures related to premises and operations. General liability insurance and property coverage provide protection against property damage, bodily injury claims, and third-party liability arising from IT company activities. We assist IT companies in understanding their general liability and property insurance needs and secure suitable coverage.

Contractual Requirements

IT companies often enter into contracts with clients and vendors that require specific insurance coverage. As an insurance broker, we help IT companies navigate these contractual requirements, ensuring compliance and providing the necessary certificates of insurance.
